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Animedle is an anime name-guessing game created based on the famous Wordle game. The game is for all anime enthusiasts around the world.

How to play Animedle

  • When starting the game, the player will see a blurry image of the anime.
  • The player's task is to predict which anime it is. Players can type the initial characters in the prediction box, and the game will provide a list of anime lists for players to choose from.
  • Players have a total of six guesses to complete the puzzle. If you don't guess correctly this time, you can try another time.
  • After each wrong guess or when you press the skip button, the image of the anime will gradually become clearer, making it easier for you to guess.
  • After guessing the anime correctly, you have won the quiz and can move on to the next challenge.

Let's immerse ourselves in the world of anime with your favorite anime series right now!

You can also try the 4 Pix Word Quiz, another of our engaging word-guessing games!

Category and Tags

Wordle Puzzles4 picture wordle4 pix wordleanime wordleanimedle game4 PIX WORD QUIZ

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