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Shadle is an attractive puzzle game developed from the game Wordle. The player's task is to guess a hex color code using a color picker. The color picker includes 3 values for players to make predictions:

  • Hue: the color itself, such as red, green, or blue
  • Sarturation: the amount of color or how pure it is
  • Value: the lightness or darkness of the color

How do I play Shadle?

Players will adjust the color by dragging and dropping the mouse on the color picker. Then, click on the white check button in the color preview bar to make your prediction. Players will be able to guess up to four times. If after four attempts they still cannot give the correct result, the game will end.
Each time a player makes a prediction, the game will display whether the prediction is close to the target result or not.

  • Green: in the correct position to be filled in
  • Orange: the currently selected color box is next to the position to be filled.
  • Gray: The color box you are selecting is not in the position to be filled.

Once finished, the game will show its true colors. Compare how much it matches the color you gave.
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Wordle Puzzlessurvivle wordlesurvivle unlimitedcolor wordleshadle wordle todaywordle quiz

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