
Share Whizz Wordz

Whizz Wordz is a game created based on the original game, Wordle.

How to play Whizz Wordz?

  • Build words: In the game, the player's task is to build words using the random letters provided.
  • There are three modes that gradually increase based on the difficulty of the game.


  • Random letters: The game offers random letters, stimulating the player's ability to compose words.
  • Time challenge: Players are limited to a certain time, stimulating their ability to build words and think quickly.
  • The game has three levels: hard, harder, and hardest, for players to choose from.

Explore our similar game, Curdle.

Category and Tags

Wordle Puzzleswordle gamewordle variationcurdle wordlecheese wordlewhizz wordz unlimited

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